Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Out of Context?

A Diasporian by nature of his name is out of context somewhat to his environment . I knew something wasn't quite normal when i left my parents house and had to go to school. Instinctively i wanted to stay home. It wasn't that i was a lazy child but i felt alienated.

On the face of it i was different in appearance to the pasty white children screaming around me. But that difference was small compared to the differences in our behavior. I unlike them already knew right from wrong by then, my parents took care of that.

I would like to say at this point that i'm sure if i was to write about my parents household the Ghanaians reading would find many similarity's in how we where brought up.

You see everyone is within context in their own parents house. This is the point i am driving at here.

As a child i remember going to my white friends house for us both to go to school. We was about 10 at the time. When i got to his house his mother answered the door and invited me in. she stood there in a nightie with a cigarette sticking out the side of her mouth. Soon my friend came running down the stairs to meet me at his door. As we where leaving the strangest thing happened.

He asked his mother if he could squeeze her breasts. I was expecting his mother to give him "lashes", like i knew i would get even if such a thought where to enter my head. But to my shock surprised and embarrassment she offered it to him, and to his delight he squeezed it while looking at me feeling smart.

This was my very first incite into the white mans household, puzzled i pondered over it for many years. Now i know this was a single event happening to me many years ago. Hardly a case against a whole people, and certainly being subjective never helped black people.

However no one would dispute the fact that white people are managing the most debased societies on the earth. I'm demonstrating the connection between the human household and the wider nation and world. Our nations reflect the content of our houses in simple terms.

We have herd social scientist coin phases such as "peer pressure" or "working class" and "well to do" these terms indicate the influences that we receive socially.

But the same social scientist choose to ignore the household as a definitive of our identity. In fact it is totally ignored, to the extent that we can say the west wants to eliminate the recognition of any household family influences on its population. Even though as an element it is far more important to our psychology than social pressures. Why is this?

The truth is most people are influenced more heavily the earlier their age. Like a computer the human brain takes what is is given first as a barometer to what follows later.

That is why Jeffrey Dahmer the white necrophiliac cannibal who ate several people in Milwaukee USA was studied mostly at his household upbringing level. In his case it simply could not be ignored. This coupled with the shear disgust in his actions they didn't want white society to take the blame so ironically they put the blame where it should be.

But white people in high office clearly don not want the populous to study family life as a definition as to who we are. This you will agree if you look closely is because it alienates white people and negates them. You see at the household family level non-white people clearly have a lot more cultural integrity and morality.

Also this Cognitive device gives white people a massive advantage over others in "their society" because they don't have to adjust culturally and morally when they get in the school, college, work place etc. Because their household is the same as there society. That fact along with the resources of the world at there beck and call they excels us. Not because genetically they are in anyway better than non-white people. What we black people keep failing to recognize is that we are opposite to him in on a far deeper level than skin.

An official recognition of our household differences will demand a very different educational structure to start with. Not to mention the fact that laws according to our home background would have to be formed. The assumption being what was acceptable among one group can be offensive with another.

This white people are clearly not going to do too much of, especially when its against there benefit in there own house and nation. They have tried this on a very small scale with racial discrimination laws. The best example of what would be needed in existence today is the Muslim mortgage law. A acceptance that Muslims do not recognize financial interest. This law in the west is clearly not socially based.

I said earlier that "everyone is within context in their own parents house", this statement works on mental spiritual and Geographical levels. Spiritually if your father is god you would be better off in his house as Joseph's discovered.

Mentally, non-white people think along the lines of fact and truth more. Cognitive devices are less common in our thinking. To implement a device implies deception. This is so common in the west it has a well known term "Social Engineering".

Social engineering can only be accepted by the secular mindset. It negates the guidance of god.
Whether you accept it or prosecute it, you by validating it exposes your secularism. This is very different from the installation of laws according to "family values" which implies godly guidance.
Another reason why the west reject it. They make this known with there open declaration of a separation between church and state.

In white society you have to do things you feel uncomfortable with to others, in order to get anywhere. Rather than having the recognition of truth and facts as the factor of success. This practice is not only found in the work place but it is also present in high governmental office positions and principles.

(I would note to my Ghanaian brothers and sisters think before you run from Ghana to the west these things are real and you will face them when you get there.)

Diasporians are at the apex of everything i have mentioned here. We are the most out of context in the white mans parts of the world. Despite being there in some cases longer that any other group. Admittedly we are also out of context to some degree in Africa. But this degree lyes socially and not mentally or spiritually. And seeing that one of the most important element in the definition of an individual is with his home upbringing, we have to bear witness that the African born and the Diasporian are undoubtedly family.

For any mental and or spiritual similarity of two peoples who have been apart for the best part of 500 years, and under the influence of another is amazing proof of kinship.

Don't think for one minute that white people do not know this. They knew it from the time they took our fathers from Africa. They know where they got us from. It is some of us who still suffer from the Colonial and Slavery social engineering devices that have a difficulty in this area. Also those who accept our social and or national identities as definitive. It is better in order to recognize your kin to see if he comes from the same household values as you do.

I hope i have made some things clearer for Ghanaians as to where Diasporians are coming from and why they are coming.

I also hope i have shown Diasporians in the Diaspora why you should as least invest in your fathers motherland. You can do this or subject all your future generations to being out of context.

As always dont just read this blog write your reactions and post them.

Will Muhammad

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Is This Culture?

Culture, not a word that i have a full understanding of. Is this because i am a diasporian, born under the influences of the west? Or could it be my disagreement with some cultural practices. Let me explain my self more clearly.

In Ghana culture is not only a choice but rather a hidden interwoven set of behaviors that manage there everyday live's. For the most instances this is beautiful, real community spirit, respect for elders and such. Things that have long been eroded in the Diasporian black community's.

However it seems some of this what is called culture gets in the way of progress. In those instances it should be shelved. As was the culture of selling our own people.

I will give you an example. Recently the great Volta lake ran low in water. The electricity company of Ghana declared that there will be forced power outages staggered around the country "The power shedding programme" they called it.

Consumers are being restricted to "Light off" from between 18:00hrs and 06:00 in the morning.
Or from 06:00 to 18:00hrs in the evening. Thats everyone businesses, homes, factory's industry's, everyone is supposed to get light off at some point.

This in the west would be just plane lunacy! It undoubtedly would lead to massive legal actions against the power company's. Particularly bearing in mind that there was no backup system. Even as every car has a spare wheel.

But in Ghana people accepted it, to protest is not in there culture especially when you are complaining about those who hold authority. This as well as the fact that Africa lives culturally in the dark led to a popular silents.

Sure there was those on TV3 and Ghana TV "discussing the issues" but nothing said that would reflect the massive damage to the economy both with restrictive production now and with any future world business proposals. How can Ghana be economically viable with no constant power?

The culture of bad chiefs where those who are your elders, (as stated before) command respect even if they where WRONG, has somehow translated in to the elected offices of government positions. Hardly democratic, in fact its bordering on the dictatorship. Ironically even the Chiefs would agree that they need Electricity all the time.

A professor at University of Ghana Legon said to me that "Ghana is a country experimenting with democracy". He wasn't wrong.

I would ask can culture be limited to a tool used to beautify the nation, and not one in the way of essential progress? Maybe the born Ghanaians reading this blog can answer this question.

Having read that you probably asked yourself "why did i leave my nice cold fully infrastructural integrated council flat in south London for lunacy?" That is because i didn't say Things don't get done they do, but at a slow, painfully slow pace. Lets give those who have learnt that "nothing should get in the way of building a nation" a bigger voice.

PS suffice as to say construction work has begun to create a power backup system in Tema.
Thank Allah, God.

I Welcome your comment. Will Muhammad

Sugar cubes in my fridge

The term cultural shock is very real. A split second of brain overload, a sense of loss coupled with confusion. Like the day i woke sweating and feeling dehydrated. This led me to my newly acquired Tosiba fridge. It was only when i opened it i became conscious of my being in Africa. There was a box of white sugar cubes placed on the eggs tray by my friend the evening before. Puzzled i laughed, maybe she is loosing her mind but on second thought she was very right, ANTS!

You see back in London ants where something we played with at school or watched when we where waiting for someone in the park. However in Ghana ants are not to be played with, and they love sugar. If you are careless enough to leave sugar out uncovered, in the morning you will be visited by the colony. Unwanted guest's who systematically remove your life stock in there thousands.

Any similarity of the ants and the early white colonialists is not intentional, however understood.

I remember when i was a young boy growing up in South London in the 70's and 80's Africa was a word used to refer to small potbellied starving children with flies in there eyes. I hardly heard the word being used in my West-Indian household.

Until the Nigerian Biafra war started bringing waves of Nigerians to London they like us ended up working on the buses and other working class jobs. Immediately there was a isolation between there community and the resident west Indian community's .

West Indians felt we where better in that we was there first and could speak English as our first language. I guess the dumb amongst us was glad to find someone who was considered less than we where living in the UK. I wonder what the educated whites where thinking during this time. Undoubtedly they watched to see if we would embrace ourselves.

Fortunately for them this was not the case. The social engineering of us through slavery and them through colonialism worked and they breathed easily at that time to see us still disliking and not knowing each other.

This engineering and my personal indoctrination of Africans came about in school. Where my history teacher showed Africa exclusively in a negative light "These are savages" he said "They are cannibals". This with the amount of newspaper cartoons depicting Africans with bones in there nose's dancing around a big boiling pot cooking a white woman was damaging to my and many other West Indian childrens psychology.

This damage like a virus left unchecked accounts for most of the negative encounters diasporians and born Africans experience. Especially in the diaspora.

In Ghana this damage although not as severe as in England still exists. Out of the diaporians who come from London UK and the USA to relocate here many have spoke of there unwelcome as a member of the family. They conclude that Ghanaians just see them as American or British. Some Ghanaians go as far as to even call us white.(obruni) One Ghanaian MP declared that "We don't want them coming here building there ghettos".

Thankfully this is not the norm and only a example of a dying minority who have not bothered to educate themselves to the dictates of our history. Slavery i have discovered has had many victims not only those who where sold. But also the sellers have to come to terms with there guilt.

Most Ghanaians know the part played by slavery in our history, and i have been asked by them if "i know that we are brothers". This is also echoed in the government with there initiative The Joseph Project where Ghana is officially reaching out to us to return or invest in the homeland.

This Blog invites you all to comment i will be writing more soon and look forward to hearing from all of you peace. Will Muhammad