Wise men amongst the Diasporian community agree that the status quo between non white people in the world and the white power machine cannot remain, however either justice or death is a question that cannot be too much longer ignored.
White people are increasingly faced with either to kill us all as non white people or to issue complete justice to us all, all the time. Alarmingly both of these tasks are well with in there perceived power and can be there intention at any whim. I say perceived power because there is another factor here to be taken in consideration.
That factor is written in the fact that we did not create ourselves. So who, or if you like what put us here in the first place has the responsibility of keeping us here. In the attempted kill us all scenario it is fair seaming that, the person or force that brought us into existence will show a hand if it is executed .
The good news is that Justice also was created by presumably the same being. So working against it is working against that being or force. The mere fact that non-white people are actually only asking for something that is part of universal law, should indicate that we do have a better relationship with the creator than those working to deny justice.
Every member of the non white population of this earth, have suffered at the hand of white people . This cleverly has been done over a span of hundreds of years. But make no mistake white people have dealt unjustly with the entire human family. None more than in Africa and with Africans.
Everything in nature has an enemy!!
Our problem is Africa doesn't know its enemy. Your enemy is the one who is denying you justice.
Now it is easy to get us to blame ourselves, especially considering the ground work their fathers have already put in through slavery and colonialism. Now of course we are to blame for allowing others to influence our private affairs
It is only when we take a step back and look at the problem from a objective view point, that we see our enemy. This is because our enemy also is the enemy of others.
For example the Tootsie and the Hutu in Rwanda where enemies. I say where because they are not killing each other like they did in the 90's today. Nor did they kill each other like they did before the 90's. If you read the history these tribes had difficulty's since the 15th century according to white people.
This ironically would only be more proof of a hidden hand. Because you can say they have handle the degree of hatred for one another since that time till the 90's and since the 90's.
A clear indication of another force outside Tootsie and Hutu. A force that was only present and active at that time. That means they where deceived. You can verify this in the fruitlessness of the reasons for the slaughter. This out side force is their common enemy because his reason for the killing was not for the benefit of neither Hutu or Tootsie .
What about the rest of Africa and the world? Could it be that this one outside force has affected us all?. A simple answer would be only at different times, as stated earlier. Justice has been denied in Africa because of the desire to steal the mineral riches under her feet. But it is also denied to others for different reasons. These real reasons are only for the benefit of the real enemy. This in so doing denies justice for those involved.
Iraq today is a good example for us to study.
He is not interested if they die or starve. This suffering sometimes is actually beneficial for him in getting his reasons fulfilled. But he is a common enemy, a enemy to us all. Will he concede and give us justice even if that justice is to his detriment? Or will he attempt to kill us all? Any humane human would concede.
Do white people fall into this category ? I believe this question is about to be answered.